Irish Naming Patterns

As a genealogist and historical researcher, several features of birth records appear frequently. The naming of children as the same as their parents, grandparents and other family members was (and still is) so very common and arguably a feature of Irish culture. Tracing back a family tree full of John’s, Patrick’s and Mary’s can be very confusing and cause many genealogical brick walls. 

However, if you have a family that is particularly traditional, consider using this trick. By first testing the pattern with the members of the family tree that you know, it has often happened that we as researchers can determine the names of those formerly lost to time. 

First son usually named for the father's father

Second son usually named for the mother's father

Third son usually named for the father

Fourth son usually named for the father's eldest brother

Fifth son usually named for the mother's eldest brother

First daughter usually named for the mother's mother

Second daughter usually named for the father's mother

Third daughter usually named for the mother

Fourth daughter usually named for the mother's eldest sister

Fifth daughter usually named for the father's eldest sister.

Therefore, if you have a third daughter but you are unsure of her mother’s name, the answer may be staring you in the face! And records and renewed searches of birth records may help you confirm this.

Emilie Wood